Fellow Kenyans,
I want to begin by thanking you for the support you have given me over the last four and a half years. I am humbled by your overwhelming endorsement and support for me and my leadership.
I also want to thank my family; in particular my wife, the First Lady, Lucy and our children for their love and encouragement. I thank the Almighty God for his guidance and for enabling me to serve you.
Fellow Kenyans,
As a country, we are grateful to God for supporting us during some of our most difficult and sometimes tragic times. We still remember with weary hearts the loss of Vice President Kijana Wamalwa and Cabinet Ministers Geoffrey Parpai, Mohammed Khalif and Karisa Maitha.
We also remember the leaders who left us as a result of the Marsabit air crash and many other Kenyans. We feel their absence, especially at this moment. I am very grateful to be accompanied by leaders of political parties that are represented here.
I thank them most sincerely for their support and for joining hands with me and fellow Kenyans as we continue to develop our beautiful country in an environment of peace, stability, unity and progress for all Kenyans.
Today, I am pleased to announce that I will be running for a second and final term as your President.
I will, therefore, be seeking the support of all of you Kenyans so as to continue making our country an even better and greater home for all of us. KAZI IENDELEE.
I am asking for your support because despite the many challenges that have faced us in the last few years, the spirit that makes us Kenyans and our dedication to success has resulted in many achievements for all Wananchi.
For example:
1. Millions of children who would otherwise be out of school have a hope in life due to the Free Primary Education Programme.
2. Women who used to walk for kilometers in search of water now have access to clean tap water. NA KAZI INAENDELEA.
3. Farmers who had given up on farming now have access to markets and enjoy good prices for their produce.
4. Rural communities who had never seen electricity since independence now have lights. NA KAZI INAENDELEA.
5. Hospital cabinets which were empty are now stocked with medicines and an additional 1,000 health centres have been built to bring healthcare closer to Kenyans.
6. We have empowered our communities in every part of Kenya through the CDF programme.
7. Thousands of Kenyans who have lived as squatters since independence have now been empowered through issuance of title deeds. NA KAZI INAENDELEA.
8. More than 4,000 kilometres of roads have been constructed and rehabilitation of our transport network means better movement of all Kenyans.
We have been able to achieve all these because of the support of all Kenyans and focused leadership that placed the needs of Wananchi first. Leadership is about delivery of development, the improvement of the lives of all Kenyans.
Leadership is NOT about vindictiveness and empty politics. It is also NOT about empty propaganda and tribal politics.
Fellow Kenyans,
I am saddened by the fact that some politicians are polarizing the country along tribal lines. These politicians do not want to focus on the real issues that affect Wananchi. That is not the direction we want to see Kenya going.
As a patriot and as your leader, I will continue to dedicate myself to the ideal of national unity.
The foundation of my leadership is guided by the words of our national anthem: JUSTICE BE OUR SHIELD AND DEFENDER, MAY WE DWELL IN UNITY, PEACE AND LIBERTY.
Having considered the issues and challenges that face the future of our Nation, we have decided to form an Alliance of Political Parties who believe that we should give highest priority to the welfare of individual Kenyans, peace unity and development of our country.
- An Alliance of Parties that represent the desires of the people of Kenya.
- An Alliance that says we want a Kenya that is JUST. A Kenya where it does not matter where you were born or where you live because you are a Kenyan and should be Proud to be a Kenyan.
- An Alliance that gives hope for the future. That says, it does not matter whether you were born rich or poor, you can go to school and get an opportunity to change your life.
An Alliance that stands for accountability and good governance of public resources.
An Alliance that says that yes, we have made major economic and social strides but there is still a lot of work that remains to be done.
An Alliance that is committed to continuously reduce the levels of poverty and ensure every Kenyan has access to food, shelter, health and education.
An Alliance that says every Kenyan, Man and Woman, Young and Old, DESERVES to live in a stable and united country.
My Fellow Kenyans,
In order to safeguard the gains we have achieved to date and to attain the objectives and ideals we have spelt out, I have decided that I will seek re-election as President of the Republic of Kenya under an Alliance that we have named THE PARTY OF NATIONAL UNITY.
The members of this alliance shall include KANU, FORD KENYA, FORD PEOPLE, NARC-KENYA and SHIRIKISHO, among others. I would like to emphasize that each party will retain its identity and we will work together as an alliance of distinct parties. We also invite other parties who hold similar objectives to join hands with us.
From today, a co-ordinating group of the Alliance will prepare for the formal launch of my Presidential Campaign on September 29.
Fellow Kenyans,
Four and a half years ago, you entrusted the leadership of our country to me. I thank you for giving me this opportunity because together we are transforming Kenya. Things have become better but we are far from where want to be.
That is why I am requesting you to give me and our Alliance an opportunity to continue building our nation. KAZI IENDELEE.
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