Coastweek-- We the members of the 'Coast People Diaspora - North America' (CPD, N.A) based in Pennsylvania with chapters in the states of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Texas, Kentucky, Illinois and the District of Colombia (Washington DC) convey our heartfelt congratulations and Hongera to Hon. Amb Chirau Ali Mwakwere for his re-election as the Matuga MP.
Hon. Mwakwere re-election with a respectable victory margin is a clear indication that the voters of Matuga have shown confidence in his leadership based solely on his development record and service to the constituents.
It is without a doubt that Hon. Mwakwere has been handed a commendable political capital to continue to serve Matuga, our beloved Coast province and Kenya in general. Now the campaign is over let us all concentrate in the nation building.
Omar Ali, Asc. Sec., Coast Province Diaspora North America.
Mr. Mbugua,
It was very interesting to read your open letter titled “Save us from the madness that has crept back into the matatu industry” dated July 18, 2010 addressed to your homeboy (perhaps grand-father) Hon. John Michuki where you openly pleaded with him to ask President Kibaki not to appoint Hon. Chirau Ali Mwakwere to the Transport docket. Your ended your letter saying, “…Oh, and mention to your good boss that the people have asked for a new transport minister. Tell him they don’t want a person who will “regarega style hiyo hiyo”.
You insult everyone’s intelligence by blaming Mwakwere for the Matatu madness as if Kenyans (Matatu passengers) and Traffic Police are not to blame or that they don’t play any part whatsoever to contribute to the madness.
As regards to the Matatu menace ponder this,
If the routine of the “ever rushing” Kenyans make a resolute and resolve to take a stand to stop Matatu drivers from speeding or else they will decline to board their vehicles, the drivers will be left with no choice but to abide by the rules.
If every Matatu user refuses to board an over-crowded Matatu, the so-called Matatu madness will be a thing of the past. FYI its happening in Uganda as we speak. Visit Kampla ujionee.
You and I know that if the Traffic Police do their work effectively and efficiently in enforcing the laid down traffic rules and regulations, we will not be this position.
Perhaps we should carve a brand new Ministry of Matatu from the larger Ministry of Transport. You see Mbugua, they have a Ministry of Railways in India and that of Police Services in South Africa. If we carved Ministry of Fisheries from Livestock Development, I don’t see anything wrong to have one for Matatu and to please you and your ilk and will request the President to hand it over to Michuki to manage it. What do you say?
Tell me anything something that I don’t know. Other than “managing the Matatu menace” as you and your friends in the media people praise Michuki for, what are his other achievements in the Ministry of Transport? Please enlighten me.
As a daily Likoni ferry user myself; tell me something, what did Michuki do during his tenure (at the Transport docket) put in motion the replacement of the aging ferries? Did he initiate the purchase of new ferries? Oh, I am sorry they were not breaking down during his reign and ferries are like cars that can be bought from the showrooms or the factory at a moments notice.
Credit him or not, but its under Mwakwere (at the Transport docket) that for the first time the government purchased BRAND NEW ferries, yes I said brand new ferries. During the era of Mwakwere’s predecessors the government corruptly ended up replacing old ferries with “newer” but second hand ones. Its public knowledge that some of the ferries that the government purchased were 25 years old. But all the blame of aged, sometimes dysfunctional and ever breaking down ferries was placed on Mwakwere, not Michuki, Murungaru or Mudavadi. Let me ask you - what happened to NCC Cemetery land saga? Ops, its not Mwakwere, hence it’s not important to highlight it.
All of a sudden your colleague Jaindi Kisero, one of Mwakwere’s hater on record is writing about Lamu Port being a white elephant – all being an effort to pre-empt the President from appointing Mwakwere to the cabinet. A different commentary has been written on the bankruptcy of the Kenya Railways. What is coming next – the expansion of JKIA?
When Amos Kimunya (as acting Transport minister) confirmed a fellow homeboy as Kenya Airports Authority MD Kenyans were not bombarded with commentaries, in short the media did not see the need to make it a big issue on the matter about tribalism (and I am not saying the individual is not qualified) but when Mwakwere makes appointments they become the talk of the media houses.
We haven’t seen anything written pertaining to the incompetence on the part of the Minister for Medical Services the “brilliant” Prof. Anynag Nyongo ...lack of medicines in health centers and hospitals nationwide, the misuse of funds etc. What about the non-performance of the Ministry of Lands…what has Orengo done to solve once and for all the squatters problem at the Coast and other parts of the country.
If Tomorrow Kibaki appoints Mwakwere the Minister for Water, I am sure Jaindi will make the scarcity of water in Nairobi, Mombasa and other major urban areas his pet project. Jaindi, what happned to the Cementry land saga? Is it over now.
Rosa Park: Either you lack of knowledge or you naively ignored the historical importance of the courageous act of the black woman Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat to a white person (passenger) not in an over-crowded bus’ is preposterous to say the very least. How does the brave act of Rosa Parks – who was being discriminated because of nothing else but the colour of her skin refusal to give her seat with your own act to board an over-crowded Matatu and refusing to squeeze for another passenger to seat, compare. Do you really think Kenyans are that stupid and ignorant as yourself? Shame on you
Bakari Gopha
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